
Friday, October 14, 2005

Front window 

Normally you would not write about something stupid as a busted wind screen that needs to be replaced. . However this is a different matter. As my windscreen had a crack I had to have it replaced. As I have a SAAB 9000 I know this could not be cheap. So I just checked the internet and see if I could find a reasonable priced screen, then phoned around a bit.
Prices were really unbelievably. As much as € 520,00. Luckily I came across the site of AUTOGLAS (www.dk.nl). It is a workshop in Alphen aan de Rijn where they fit new screens, but also have a workshop where they make "tailor made" windscreens. The workshop is run by Bart and Menno.
They were really nice and helpful on the phone so that already gave me a good feeling about the place.
They could fit in the new screen next day, so I made the appointment and had my screen replaced. It took just a little less the 2 hours and while I was waiting for Menno to replace it, Bart showed me how he made new rear windows for a vintage Volkswagen cabriolet. He also showed me around the workshop an pointed out that the front window on the Pontiac was also made by him in his workshop.

The screen still not cheap but a paid for my screen € 318,92 including a cup off coffee and excellent service. A lot less then they would charge me at other big window replacing workshops.

So if you ever need a new windscreen I can recommend DK in Alphen aan de Rijn.
Autoglas D&K
H. Kamerlingh Onneslaan 19 b
2408 AX Alphen aan de Rijn
+31 (0)172 490905

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